The 2014 Traveller Calendar

Traveller 2014 Calender

It’s time to  get the Traveller Calendar rolling once more and a bonus this year I am trying to put together a 2300AD version as well.

Thanks to everyone who got involved last year.

I think we did Andrew’s memory a great honour with that.

This years is charity is undecided, but I hope the 2300AD Calendar proceeds will go to a cat related charity, more details later.

I’m setting a deadline for any submission for the end of September, 1st week of October at the latest. I’ll need 12 pieces for each calendar, you can submit to either or both.

Pretty much the same rules as last year.

The traditional Traveller “no T&A.”

Suitable for the Traveller universe and in the case of the 2300AD calender, it must fit the Traveller 2300AD universe.


Marc will be the final decision maker for the Traveller calendar. And either me or Colin Dunn for the 2300AD calender.

The image must fit the template (this year I am using Andrew’s template)

Dimensions: 3375 x 2626 pixels

Format: png or PSD

Feel free to use email, DropBox, Google Drive etc to get the file to me.

The template is here: Traveller Template

Any questions just ask.

Either email me’ biomassart at’ or contact me via my blog or fill in the form below:-

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